
List of Publications

Recent publications (2006 – 2008) – until 2005 there were 208 publications

  1. H.E. Paczoska-Eliasiewicz, M. Proszkowiec-Weglarz, J. Proudman J, T. Jacek, M. Mika, A. Sechman, J. Rzasa and A. Gertler. Exogenous leptin advances puberty in domestic hen. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 31: 211-226 (2006).
  2. G. Salomon, L. Niv-Spector, EE. Gussakovsky and A. Gertler A. Large-scale preparation of biologically active mouse and rat leptins and their L39A/D40A/F41A muteins which act as potent antagonists. Protein Expression and Purification 47: 128-36 (2006).

Prof. Arieh Gertler

In Memoriam
Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition


Prof. Arieh Gertler

1935 - 2024

Molecular endocrinology and hormonal regulation of growth and differentiation, somatogenic and lactogenic hormones