The Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition has four major areas of research expertise:
Functional foods and nutraceuticals:
investigating therapeutic properties of food productsHagai Abeliovich, Zohar Kerem, Zvi Hayouka, Oren Froy, Oren Tirosh, Anna Aronis, Betty Schwartz,
Masha Niv,Roni Shapira, Merav Fichman, Ram Reifen
Food science, technology, and biochemistry:
improving food quality and safety and developing innovative technologies for new product developmentHagai Abeliovich, Zohar Kerem, Zvi Hayouka, Oren Froy, Oren Tirosh, Anna Aronis, Betty Schwartz,
Masha Niv,Roni Shapira, Ido Braslavsky, Ram Reifen
Nutrition and health:
the effect of diet on gene expression and metabolism, nutrigenomics and nutrigeneticsOren Froy, Oren Tirosh, Anna Aronis, Betty Schwartz, Ido Goldstein, Ram Reifen,
Aron Troen, Efrat Monsonego-Ornan
Clinical and community nutrition interventions:
working with Israel’s Ethiopian immigrant community, school and pre-school childrenAnna Aronis, Aliza Stark, Oren Froy, Aron Troen
The Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition hosts visiting scientists, exchange students, and postdoctoral fellows from around the world, creating a vibrant academic community and an atmosphere of intellectual discourse and exchange. The relatively small size of the Hebrew University’s Rehovot campus enables staff and students from the Institute to interact with colleagues from around the Robert H. Smith Faculty in a stimulating and professional environment. The Institute offers advanced facilities and laboratories, state-of-the-art equipment, information resources and dedicated employees.