
Special Courses

2022 (10) – 2023 (11)  New Product Development and Business Case Supervision – Ninth Master's degree program, The inter-University Second-level Master’s Degree in “Innovation in Food Science and Technology – Michele Ferrero” academic year 2022/2023, the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the University of Turin and the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza Campus. Italy.

Former Students

M. Sc. Degree

  • Eliahu Cohen. The Effect of Water Activity and Moisture Content on the Stability of Beet Powder Pigments, 1982.
  • Rachamim Palombo. The Effect of Water Activity on Quality Factors of Enriched Dehydrated Milk Powder During Storage, 1984.
  • Dorit Rassis. Quality Losses in Aseptic Citrus Products, 1993.
  • Sigalit Berenzon. Extention of Shelf-Life of Military Ration Biscuits, 1993.

Research Reports

Sarig, Y., Regev, J., Sadovski, N and Saguy, I. 1980. Development of technology for pomegranate products. ARO, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel.

Karel, M. Saguy, I., Villota, R. and Heildelbaugh, N. D. 1979. Maximizing storage stability of foods to be used for resupply in a controlled ecological life supply system: Evaluation of research, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA.

Mannheim, C.H., Passy, N. and Saguy, I. 1971. Postharvest treatment of citrus fruit: A literature survey. Technion Research and Development Foundation, Haifa, Israel.


Hebrew Journals and Other Publications

Saguy, I.S. and Moskowitz, H.R., 2003. Innovative approach to new product development based on sensory and behavioral information. Review 8(1):10-16.

Saguy, S. 2008. New technologies in the food industry. Review 23(1):18-20.

שגיא, ס. 2008. איך נולד מוצר? פיתוח מוצרים חדשים בתעשיית המזון. ב"האינטליגנציה של התזונה" (רייפן, ר. ורוזן, ג. עורכים). עמודים 406-414. אימפרס מדיה ישירה, רמת גן.



Saguy, I. S. Pinthus, E. J. and Weinberg, P. 1998. Reducing Oil Uptake of Food Products Undergoing Deep-fat Frying. Israel Patent (#110,338; July 12).

Graf. E., Karel, M. and Saguy, I. A. 1991. Methods of Coloring Foods. U.S. Patent #5,069,918 (December 3, 1991).

Proceedings Articles and Lectures

Articles and Lectures Published in Proceedings of Symposia

Saguy, I.S. and Cohen. E. (2024) Ttransfiguring food science, technology and engineering education: Unveiling innovative curriculum trends. IUFoST Meeting, Rimini, Italy (to be presented; Sept. 8-11).

Saguy, I.S. and Cohen, E. (2024). Quick Response (QR) tags kinetics and potential utilization for remote quality monitoring. CoFE Meeting Seattle, WA (to be presented; Aug.25-28).


Doctor of Science Thesis

“Prediction of Changes in some Quality Aspects of Food Products During Dehydration and Concentration.” Professors Kopelman, I. J. and Mizrahi, S. Technion, Haifa. July, 1977.


Special Lectures and Courses

2022 (11) Chair, Panel Discussion, European Academy of Food Engineering (EAFE)/Int. Soc. of Food Engineering (ISFE) -”The Value of Food Processing for Nourishing People in A Healthy, Pleasurable and Sustainable Manner.” IUFoST 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology Future of Food: Innovation, Sustainability & Health (Nov. 1, 2022).

2022 (9) Invited Plenary Lecture: Education Challenges, CoFE22, Raleigh, NC (Sept. 21, 2022)

Industrial, Sabbaticals & Visiting

Industrial Experience/Sabbaticals/Visiting Professor

Nov 2016 - May 2017 Visiting Professor of Food Innovation and Technology, Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agroalimentari ed Ambientali Università degli Studi di Teramo Via R. Balzarini 1 Campus Coste Sant'Agostino 64100 Teramo (TE) Italy.

2015 Nov - Dec Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Section of Chemical and Food Engineering, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy.

Awards and Recognition

2016 Academy Member ISEKI-Food (ISEKI: Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge into the Food Chain).

2015 IAEF(International Association for Engineering and Food) Lifetime Achievement Award 
(to “recognize exceptional long contribution and international impact on the progress of food engineering”.  The award was presented at the International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12) on June 14, 2015, Quebec City, Canada.