Table of Contents


Prof. Arieh Gertler

In Memoriam
Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition


Prof. Arieh Gertler

1935 - 2024

Molecular endocrinology and hormonal regulation of growth and differentiation, somatogenic and lactogenic hormones

List of Publications

Recent publications (2006 – 2008) – until 2005 there were 208 publications

  1. H.E. Paczoska-Eliasiewicz, M. Proszkowiec-Weglarz, J. Proudman J, T. Jacek, M. Mika, A. Sechman, J. Rzasa and A. Gertler. Exogenous leptin advances puberty in domestic hen. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 31: 211-226 (2006).
  2. G. Salomon, L. Niv-Spector, EE. Gussakovsky and A. Gertler A. Large-scale preparation of biologically active mouse and rat leptins and their L39A/D40A/F41A muteins which act as potent antagonists. Protein Expression and Purification 47: 128-36 (2006).
  3. A. Gertler. Bacterial expression of prolactin family proteins: in "Placental and Trophoblast Methods and Protocols" for Methods in Molecular Medicine Series from Humana Press, Ed. M.J. Soares, Bacterial expression of prolactin family proteins. Methods Mol Med. 122: 341-54 (2006).
  4. T. Ben –Zvi, A. Yayon , A. Gertler and E. Monsonego-Ornan. Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 1 and 3 interact and modulate fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling. J. Cell Sci. 119: 380-7 (2006).
  5. S.O. Krechowec, M. Vickers, A. Gertler, B.H. Breier. Prenatal influences on leptin sensitivity and susceptibility to diet-induced obesity. J Endocrinol. 189: 355-63 (2006).
  6. Y. Benomar, N. Naour, A. Aubourg, V. Bailleux, A. Gertler, J. Djiane, M. Guerre-Millo, and M. Taouis. Insulin and leptin induce Glut4 plasma membrane translocation and glucose uptake in a human neuronal cell line by a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase- dependent mechanism. Endocrinology 147: 2550-6 (2006).
  7. H. Sauerwein, U. Heintges, S.C. Bruhns, M. Hennies, and A. Gertler. Active immunization against leptin fails to affect reproduction and exerts only marginal effects on glucose metabolism in young female goats. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. (Berl). 90: 278-288 (2006).
  8. E. Biener-Ramanujan, V.K. Ramanujan, B. Herman, A. Gertler. .Spatio-temporal kinetics of growth hormone receptor signaling in single cells using FRET microscopy. Growth Horm. IGF Res. 16: 247-257 (2006).
  9. A. Gertler. Development of leptin antagonists and their potential use in experimental biology and medicine. Review. Trends in Endcrinol. Metab 17:372-378 (2006).
  10. G. Solomon, S. Reicher, E. E. Gussakovsky, J-Baptiste Jomain and A. Gertler. Large-scale preparation and in-vitro characterization of biologically active human placental (20 and 22K) and pituitary (20K) growth hormones: placental growth hormones have no lactogenic activity in humans. Growth Horm. IGF Res. 16: 297-307 (2006).
  11. H.E. Paczoska-Eliasiewicz, G. Salomon, S. Reicher, E.E. Gussakowsky, A. Hrabia, A. Gertler. Preparation and characterization of recombinant chicken growth hormone (chGH) and its putative antagonist chGH G119R mutein. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1091: 501508 (2006).
  12. G. Solomon, L. Niv-Spector, D. Gonen-Berger, I. Callebaut, J. Djiane, A. Gertler. Preparation of leptin antagonists by site-directed mutagenesis of human, ovine, rat, and mouse leptin's site III: implications on blocking undesired leptin action in vivo. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1091:531-539 (2006).
  13. A. Gertler, L. Niv-Spector, S. Reicher. Is leptin an important physiological regulator of CRP? Nat Med. 13:18-9 (2007).
  14. S. Dridi, M. Taouis, A. Gertler, E. Decuypere and J. Buyse. The regulation of stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene expression is tissue specific in chickens. J Endocrinol. 192: 229-236 (2007).
  15. D. Figueiredo, A. Gertler, G. Cabello, E. Decuypere, J. Buyse, S. Dridi. Leptin downregulates heat shock protein-70 (HSP-70) gene expression in chicken liver and hypothalamus. Cell Tissue Res. 329:91-101. (2007).
  16. M. El Homsi, R. Ducroc, J. Claustre, G. Jourdan, A. Gertler, M. Estienne, A. Bado, Y.P, Scoazec, P. Plaisancie. Leptin modulates the expression of secreted and membrane-associated mucins in colonic epithelial cells by targeting PKC, PI3K, and MAPK pathways. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 293:G365-73. (2007).
  17. J. Ferezou-Viala, A.F. Roy, C. Serougne, D. Gripois, M. Parquet, V. Bailleux, A. Gertler, B. Delplanque, J. Djiane, M. Riottot and M. Taouis. Long-term consequences of maternal high-fat feeding on hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and diet-induced obesity in the offspring. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 293:G365-73 (2007).
  18. A.F. Roy, Y. Benomar, V. Bailleux, C.M. Vacher, A. Aubourg, A. Gertler, J. Djiane and M. Taouis. Lack of cross-desensitization between leptin and prolactin signaling pathways despite the induction of SOCS-3 and PTP-1B J Endocrinol. 195:341-350 (2007).
  19. S. Reicher, L. Niv-Spector, A. Gertler and E. Gootwine. Pituitary and placental growth hormone variants differ in their receptor-binding ability and their biological properties. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 155:368-377 (2008).
  20. H. Vickers, P.D. Gluckman, A.H. Coveny, P.L. Hofman, W.S. Cutfield, A. Gertler, B.H. Breier, M. Harris. The effect of neonatal leptin treatment on postnatal weight gain in male rats is dependent on maternal nutritional status during pregnancy. Endocrinology. (2008) 149:1906-13 (2008).
  21. M. Yacobovitz, G. Solomon, E.E. Gusakovsky, B. Levavi-Sivan and A. Gertler. Expression, refolding, purification and characterization of pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) leptin. Gen Comp Endocrinol 156:83-90 (2008).
  22. L. Attig, G. Solomon, J. Ferezou, L. Najar, M. Taouis, A. Gertler and J. Djiane. Early post natal leptin blockage induced a long term leptin resistance and susceptibility to diet induced obesity in rats. Int J Obes (Lond). 32:1153-60 (2008).
  23. S. Klompus, G. Solomon and A. Gertler. A simple novel method for the preparation of noncovalent homodimeric, biologically active human interleukin 10 in Escherichia coli-Enhancing protein expression by degenerate PCR of 5' DNA in the open reading frame. Protein Expr Purif. 62:199-205 (2008)
  24. L. Attig, J. Djiane, A. Gertler, O. Rampin, T. Larcher, S. Boukthir, P. Anton, J.Y. Madec, I. Gourdou, L. Abdennebi-Najar. Study of hypothalamic leptin receptor expression in low birth weight piglets and effects of leptin supplementation on neonatal growth and development. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print].
  25. C.M. Vacher, D. Crépin, A. Aubourg, O. Couvreur, V. Bailleux, V. Nicolas, J. Férézou, D. Gripois, A. Gertler and M.A. Taouis. A putative physiological role of hypothalamic CNTF in the control of energy homeostasis. FEBS Lett. 582:3832-8 (2008).
  26. S. O. Krechowec, J. L Miles, A. Gertler, M. Vickers and B.H. Breier. Increased saturated fat intake causes obesity without leptin resistance or hyperphagia J. Endocrinology. (in press).
  27. E. Elinav, M. Ali, R. Bruck, E. Brazowsky, A. Phillips, Y. Shapira, M. Katz, G. Solomon, Z. Halpern, A. Gertler. Competitive inhibition of leptin signaling results in amelioration of liver fibrosis through modulation of stellate cell function. Hepatology (in press).
  28. E. Elinav and A. Gertler. Use of Leptin Antagonists as Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Fibrotic Reagents. in Leptin and leptin antagonists (ed. Gertler, A.) pp. 133-140 (Landes Biosciences, Austin, Texas, 2008).
  29. Y. Benomar, F. Berthou, C.M. Vacher, V. Bailleux, A. Gertler, J. Djiane and M. Taouis Leptin but not CNTF induces PTP-1B expression in human neuronal cells (SH-SY5Y): putative explanation of CNTF efficacy in leptin-resistant state. Endocrinology (in press).
  30. M.H. Vickers, S. Gilmour, A. Gertler, B.H. Breier, K. Tunny, M.J. Waters and P.D. Gluckman. The 20kDa placental GH-V lacks the diabetogenic and lactogenic activities of GH-N whilst retaining anti-lipogenic activity: studies in the rat and in vitro. (submitted).
  31. E. Elinav, L. Niv-Spector, M. Katz, M. Ali, S. Reicher, M. Yacobovitz, T.O. Price, J.L Lynch, Z. Halpern, W.A. Banks and Arieh Gertler. Pegylated leptin antagonist induces a reversible state of leptin deficiency by competitively inhibiting leptin transport into the central nervous system (submitted).


Leptin and leptin antagonists (ed. A. Gertler) 190 pages. Landes Biosciences, Austin, Texas (2008).


Gertler, I. Callebaut, and J. Djiane: "Leptin antagonists", European Patent Application No. 05809259.4 and National Phase of PCT/IL2005/001250 (WO 2006/056987) filed 24.11.2005.