Contact Us

Head of Institute: Prof. Ido Braslavsky

Administrative manager: Rakefet Kalev

Office Address:
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, ISRAEL

Tel: +972 - (0)8-9489385
Fax: +972 - (0)8-9363208
Email Address:

Eitan Israeli.,Ed.D.

My teaching and research activities focus on the psycho-social aspects of human eating behaviors.

It deals with the contribution of the Social and Behavioral Sciences to the acquisition and maintenance of proper eating habits - among individuals, families, small and large groups sharing common characteristics, such as:
Gender, ethnic origin, age group, developmentally delay.

An additional field of teaching & research is lifelong learning - in Israel and internationally

The third field of teaching is Teacher Education.



  1. Training Nutrition students in Inter-Personal Communication.

  2. Introduction to Psychology.

  3. Community Nutrition.

  4. Planning and Evaluating Nutrition Education programs.


  1. Evaluation of Community Nutrition Education Programs

  2. The Psychology of the Adult Learner.

  3. The Social Psychology of Extension.

  4. Introduction to Educational Psychology.

  5. Inter-Personal Communication for Secondary School Teachers.

Recent Graduate Students

M.S Alina Segal - Parental intrusiveness of the ur adolescent children and its relationship to the children's Bulimia Nervosa.

Chorchelina Viglianko - Construction of a nutrition education instrument to assess the comprehension of Dietary Guidelines among adult groups in israel.

Recent Publications

  1. Israeli, E. (ed.) (2000). Learning and Building a Nation: Adult Education in the First Jubilee of the State of Israel - A Critical Look. Tel Aviv: The Adult Education Association of Israel. 262 pp. (Hebrew) 81 pp. (English).
  2. Israeli, E. "Learning and Building a Nation: Adult Education in the First Jubilee of the State of Israel - A Critical Look: Dreams and Commentaries," in: Israeli, E. (ed.) op.cit., pp. vi-xv.
  3. Israeli, E. (ed.) The European Memorandum on Lifelong Learning - Responses from Israel. (2001). Tel-Aviv: The Adult Education Association of Israel. 23 pp.
  4. Israeli, E. "International", "Transnational", and External Relations" in Lifelong Learning: Significance and Conclusions for Israel." Adult Education in Israel (Ministry of Education's Division of Adult Education) (in pressIn Hebrew (main publication ).
  5. Israeli, E. with participation of Shlomith Samish. (2000). Nutrition Education & Communicatio A Psycho-Social Perspective of Nutrition Behaviors. Rehovot: Hebrew University's Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences. 175 pp.