Table of Contents

List of Publications

Blum, JPI., M. Setty-Fichman S, L. Efron S, S. Shaik, RC. G. HarveyC. 1994. 
On the regioselectivity in transformation of benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide and 3-methylcholanthrene 11,12-oxide to the corresponding β-amino-alcohol derivatives. 
Tetrahedron. 50(28): 8505-514. 2.160; 13/45; 2.

Setty-Fichman, M S., J. Blum PI, Y.Sasson PI, and M. Eisen C. 1994. 
Polystyrene-supported RhCl3-quaternary ammonium ion pair as a long-lived, efficient and recyclable catalyst. 
Tetra. Lett. 35(5): 781-84. 2.617; 9/45; 8.

Setty-Fichman, M PI., Y.Sasson and J. Blum. 1997. 
Double bond migration, cyclohexadiene disproportionation and alkyne hydration by Dowex®1-RhCl3 ion pair catalysts. 
J. Mol.Cat. 126(1):27-36. 1.657; 37/92; 10.

Setty-Fichman, M PI., K. Kupferman, V. Batz, C. Rottman Y.Sasson, and J. Blum. 1999. 
Dowex® 1-supported PtCl4 ion pair as a recycle hydrogenation catalyst. 
J. Mol. Cat. 144(1): 159-63. 1.744; 30/90; 0.

Becker, O. M., Y. Marantz, S. Shacham, B. Inbal, A. Heifetz, O. Kalid, S. Bar-Haim, D. Warshaviak, M. Fichman C, and S. Noiman. 2004. 
G protein-coupled receptors: in silico drug discovery in 3D. 
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(31):11304-9. 10.45; 3/45; 64.

Shacham, S., Y. Marantz, S. Bar-Haim, O. Kalid, D. Warshaviak, N. Avisar, B. Inbal, A. Heifetz, M. Fichman C, M. Topf, Z. Naor, S. Noiman, and O. M. Becker. 2004. 
PREDICT modeling and in-silico screening for G-protein coupled receptors. 
Proteins 57(1):51-86. 4.429; 52/261; 53.

Becker, O. M., D. S. Dhanoa, Y. Marantz, D. Chen, S. Shacham, S. Cheruku, A. Heifetz, P. Mohanty, M. Fichman C, A. Sharadendu, R. Nudelman, M. Kauffman, and S. Noiman. 2006. 
An integrated in silico 3D model-driven discovery of a novel, potent, and selective amidosulfonamide 5-HT1A agonist (PRX-00023) for the treatment of anxiety and depression. 
J Med Chem. 49(11):3116-35. 5.115; 4/35/ 41.

Sela, I., G. Golan, M. Strajbl, D. Rivenzon-Segal, S. Bar-Haim, I. Bloch, B. Inbal, A. Shitrit, E. Ben- Zeev, M. Fichman C, Y. Markus, Y. Marantz, H. Senderowitz and O. Kalid. 2010. 
G Protein Coupled Receptors - In Silico Drug Discovery and Design. 
Curr Top Med Chem. 10, 638-656. 4.473; 5/46; 1.