
List of Publications

Blum, JPI., M. Setty-Fichman S, L. Efron S, S. Shaik, RC. G. HarveyC. 1994. 
On the regioselectivity in transformation of benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide and 3-methylcholanthrene 11,12-oxide to the corresponding β-amino-alcohol derivatives. 
Tetrahedron. 50(28): 8505-514. 2.160; 13/45; 2.

Setty-Fichman, M S., J. Blum PI, Y.Sasson PI, and M. Eisen C. 1994. 
Polystyrene-supported RhCl3-quaternary ammonium ion pair as a long-lived, efficient and recyclable catalyst. 
Tetra. Lett. 35(5): 781-84. 2.617; 9/45; 8.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Merav Setty (Fichman) is a lecturer at the Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, at the Hebrew University, Israel.

Dr. Setty received a B.Sc in Chemistry (1990) and Master (1992) and PhD (Cum Laude, 1998) in Organic chemistry from the Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel.

Dr. Merav Setty

Implementation and application of computational methodologies for the design of new and improved bioactive compounds.
Exploring structural features in proteins responsible for ligands activity and specificity