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The Molecular Recognition

and Chemical Senses Lab


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Contact the Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition:

Contact Us

Head of Institute: Prof. Ido Braslavsky

Administrative manager: Rakefet Kalev

Office Address:
Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, ISRAEL

Tel: +972 - (0)8-9489385
Fax: +972 - (0)8-9363208
Email Address:

Curriculum Vitae


  • PhD, Mentor: Prof. Benny Gerber (2001) 
    Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • MSc via direct PHD program (1997) 
    Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • BSc in Chemistry, cum laude (1994) 
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Current Positions

  • Full Professor at The Institute of Biochemistry, Food and Nutrition

Past Positions

  • Vice Dean for Research (2017- 2021) 
    The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Associate Professor, tenured (2014- 2021 ) 
    Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition,
    The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Director of Biochemistry and Food Science BSc study program (2014-2017) 
    Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Visiting scholar at UCSF, hosted by Prof. Brian Shoichet (2015 summer sabbatical)

  • Director of MSc study program in Biochemistry and Food Science (2014-2016) 
    The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Senior Lecturer (2009-2014) 
    The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Lecturer (2007-2009) 
    The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Post-doctoral fellow in Computational Biomedicine (2003-2007) 
    Weill Medical College of Cornell University, NY, US; Mentor: Prof. Harel Weinstein

  • Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling Group Leader (2000-2003) 
    Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Jerusalem, Israel




Distinctions and Awards

  • Vigevani Visiting Professor to Italy (2017-2018)
  • Women’s League for Israel Senior Lectureship in Nutrition (since 2011)
  • Krill Prize for Excellence in Science from the Wolf Foundation (2010)
  • Fritz Haber research award (1999)
  • BSc honorary award (1993)
  • DAAD scholarship (1992)
  • Faculty of science dean`s list (1991)
  • Elwing award for excellence in analytical chemistry (1991)


Recent international conferences

  • Keynote "Bitter and sweet molecules and receptors: insights from integrating modeling and experiment" 
    European Chemosensory Research Organization (ECRO) in Berlin, Germany (2022)
  • "The Taste of Drugs and Food - Learning with Big (and Small) Data" Computational Chemistry GRC, Spain (2022)
  • “Predicting and modulating bitterness” Industry Symposium at ACHEMS meeting (2022 - Florida US, hybrid)
  • Keynote “Taste receptors and their ligands” First Transatlantic ECI conference (2021 - virtual)
  • i-GPCRnet consortium on ‘G protein-coupled receptors – from physiology to drugs’ (2021 - virtual)
  • “Taste, drugs and toxicity”, FISEB/Ilanit – invited talk in Drug Discovery session, Eilat, Israel (2020)
  • 34th Bitter or not? Predicting and monitoring taste in health and disease EFFoST 2020 /
  • “Taste and nutrition, with a little help from big data” Future of Health, Tel Aviv, Israel (2019)
  • Pangborn Sensory Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland (2019)
  • ECRO Wurzburg, Germany (2018)
  • Dechema BIOFLAVOUR Biotechnology of Flavours, Frankfurt, Germany (2018)
  • Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Graz, Austria (2017)
  • ECRO meeting, Cambridge, UK (2017)
  • Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rhode Island, USA (2017)
  • GLISTEN COST CM1027, Prague, Czech Republic, invited (2016)
  • ECRO meeting, Athens, Greece, invited (2016)
  • EupFI Lisbon, Portugal, invited (2016)
  • EuroQSAR, Verona, Italy, Keynote (2016)
  • ISQPB President’s meeting, Bergen, Norway, Keynote, declined (2016)
  • ACHEMS annual meeting, Florida, US, invited (2015)
  • 3DSig Boston, US, Keynote (2014)
  • Nauta GPCR Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, invited (2013)
  • Cecam workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, invited (2012)
  • ISQPB President’s meeting, Cetraro, Italy, invited (2010)


Academic Activities

  • Editorial Advisory Board Member (2015-2017) 
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Editorial Board Member (2014- ) 
    Scientific Reports, Nature publishing group
  • SAB member for international PhD school (Bavaria)
  • Management committee member and WG leader in COST ACTION CM1027 (GLISTEN) (2013- )
  • Management committee substitute member in COST ACTION CA15135 (Mu.Ta.Lig) (2016- )