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The Molecular Recognition

and Chemical Senses Lab


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Lab alumni hold positions in the field of computational or food science, working in The Ministry of Health, Evogene, Biomica, BiomX, Mobileye, Miloubar and more, or work in academia (i.e. UCSF, TUM).



Degree in the lab

Current position

Nitzan Dubovski Effects of bitter and sweet taste compounds on mood and behavior; Molecular interactions of sweet and bitter compounds with their target receptors. PhD Student Dr., in Biolojic Design
Yaron Ben Shoshan Galetzki     Dr., in stealth mode startup company
Natalie Ben Abu Phenotype-genotype interaction in taste: sensory analysis of taste mixtures by a genotyped human panel; Bitter tastants, sugars and salts, and the effect of different mixtures on the taste intensity. PhD Student Dr., in DouxMatok
Dr. Fabrizio Fierro Computational characterization of GPCR/ligand interaction at the molecular level; Effect of amino acids substitution on protein function through bioinformatics tools and MD simulations. Post-doctoral fellow Protai
Eitan Margulis Machine learning applications for taste prediction; Chemoinformatic research and analysis of odorants and bitter taste molecules PhD Student Dr., in Anima Biotech

Marina Shudler

Kinase dynamics


Software developer in Tower Watson, UK

Dr. Shu Cheng

Kinase dynamics

Postdoctoral fellow

Postdoc in the US

Dr. Noga Kowalsman

Molecular recognition in GPCRs

Postdoctoral fellow

Bioinformatician and structural computational biologist at BiomX LTD

Yonatan Aisner

Thioredoxin mimetic peptides



Anat Levit

Molecular recognition in GPCRs, bitter taste


Postdoc in UCSF

Morin Shavro

Kinase dynamics


Software developer, Prodware

Ayana Wiener

BitterDB, BitterPredict



Dr. Avi Ben-Shimon

Peptides dynamics and design

Postdoctoral fellow

Independent consultant

Nitzan Sharabi

Ligand-based virtual screening

Amirim Undergraduate

Ministry of Health

Maria Verbov

Bitter taste recognition


Davidson Institute, WIS

Mazi Elyahu

Bitterness and toxicity

MSc, non-research


Lizi Hazan

Bitter taste of peptides

Amirim Undergraduate

MSc at WIS

Shira Cheled-Shoval

Bitter recognition by chicken receptors

PhD (joint  with Prof. Uni)

Head of Nutrition R&D Department at Miloubar

Dr. Michal Slutzki

Protein-protein interactions

Postdoctoral fellow

Computational Product Developer at Evogene

Daniel Taieb

Peptide folding and docking



Nitzan Cohen-Amin

Effects of bitter and sweet taste on mood


PhD student in the lab

Dr. Malkeet Singh

Molecular recognition in GPCRs, bitter taste

Postdoctoral fellow

Postdoc in Bar Ilan University

Ava Xue

Phylogenetic analysis of taste receptors


PhD at BIU

Yaron Ben Shoshan-Galeczki

The sweet taste receptor


PhD student in the lab

Natalie Ben Abu

Sensory analysis of sugars and salts


PhD student in the lab

Antonella Di Pizio

Bittertaste receptors

Postdoctoral fellow

Junior PI at the Technical University of Munich

Ido Nissim

Bitter taste and toxicity


Senior Data Engineer at StoreMaven

Tamir Dingjan


Postdoctoral fellow

Postdoctoral fellow at WIS

Kim Asseo

Sensory nutrition and COVID-19


Data Analyst at AiDock

Hadar Klein

Sensory analysis of taste mixtures


Dietitian and PHD student at BGU

Yaron Ben Shoshan Galezcki

The role of chirality in sweetness perception
GPCR class C receptor; the sweet taste receptor, modeling, docking and activation


at a Biotech company