List of Publications
Blum, JPI., M. Setty-Fichman S, L. Efron S, S. Shaik, RC. G. HarveyC. 1994.
On the regioselectivity in transformation of benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide and 3-methylcholanthrene 11,12-oxide to the corresponding β-amino-alcohol derivatives.
Tetrahedron. 50(28): 8505-514. 2.160; 13/45; 2.
Setty-Fichman, M S., J. Blum PI, Y.Sasson PI, and M. Eisen C. 1994.
Polystyrene-supported RhCl3-quaternary ammonium ion pair as a long-lived, efficient and recyclable catalyst.
Tetra. Lett. 35(5): 781-84. 2.617; 9/45; 8.