Table of Contents

Lab members

Zipi Berkovich BSc, Biotech

Current Group

Name Degree Project title
Shimrit Bar-el PhD Identification of the epitope responsible for allergy in legumes
Oxana Katz PhD Anemia of inflammation in IBD and Celiac Disease
Maya Moshe PhD Gluten manipulation and gut immunology 
Tali Shaulov MSc Omega three retinoids and tachyarrhythmia
Cheli Gonen MSc Mitochondirial involvement in IBD
Tali Tokeras MSc Vitamin A in utero and CLP
Anat Elkayam amirim In vitro model of inflammation

Past Group

Name Degree Project title Article #
Talia Nur Post doc. Vitamin A as a regulator of gene -expression in the colon  51,57,59,70
Annette brand Post doc. PUFA and iron interaction  91
Nina Bauer Post doc Heat Shock Proteins as sensitive indicators to PUFA in inflammation  91
Gidi Zaiger PhD Characterization of gene expression following vitamin A deficiency in the small intestine 37,38,47,56,59,70,72
DeQuan Zhoe PhD The effect of vitamin A deficiency on fatty acid profile 72,79
Tali Sinai PhD The effect of combined treatment of vitamin A and androgenic hormones on growth in growth-retarded children 67,74,77
Einat Romach PhD The effect of combined treatment of vitamin A and androgenic hormones on growth in growth-retarded children Mucosal changes in IBD models in reaction to change of flora by nutritional modification at different disease states 80,84,85,88
Kot Bol Nyuar PhD membrane lipids and metabolism of lipids in inflammation of the gut  
Liat Koperstein DVM Intestinal and hepatic kinetics and mucinic changes in vitamin A deficiency 33
Stanislaw Ahronov MD The Effect of retinoids and antioxidants on the course of colitis in a rat animal model  
Amdrea Nissenkorn MD The interaction of iron and anti-oxidants: possible effect on the inflammatory process in colitis 68
Lior Haftel MD The bioavailability of carotenoids 60,64
Amit Mor MD Rota virus infection in vitamin A deficiency mice 69
Ronit Lubezki MD The Mozart effect in premature infants 87
Roni Shapira MSc Heat Shock Proteins and membrane lipids
in GI inflammation
Lovemore Nhkata MSc Follow up formulae for preschoolers based on chickpea protein  
Orit Diamant MSc taste and smell alterations in IUGR  
Michal Aharoni MSc Potential preventive effect of high dose nutrients supplementation in a rat model of inflammation – search for mechanism of action 78
Eran Lvi MSc Mitochondrial changes in colitis induced by retinoids 82
Sharon Minai MSc Bioavailibity of folate from foods 78
Ram Uritski MSc Interaction of retinoids and iron –vitamin A anemia. 59,71
Adi Regev MSc mechanism of action of chickpea saponins to reduce cholesterol levels  
Sawsan Farhud MSc. Nutritional deficiencies in children with developmental delay  
Adi Wald MSc. The effect of combined low sodium, high potassium high calcium diet on blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension  
Galia Manor MSc. Vitamin A as a nutritional marker 60
Sally Levy MSc. Nutritional rehabilitation retinoids and growth hormone therapy in children with chronic renal failure 32
Orly Livni MSc. of apoptosis proliferative cell nuclear antigen and p53 protein in the tumor-preventive effect of the high-mushroom-diet on chemically-induced colon cancer in rats 58,63,66
Orly Agami MSc. Vitamin A deficiency and taste alteration 31
Nuha Yunis MSc. Calcium metabolism and vitamin A  
Kelvey Richards MSc. The effect of Perrila leaf extract on the level of tumor necrosis factor alpha in colitis induced rat models  
Zvi Flesh MSc. Vitamin A function in the development of the sensory system  
Talia Zuk MSc. Quality nutrients in the chickpea – nutritional and genetic aspects 48
Liz Rubin MSc. How to eliminate iron deficiency anemia among population at risk  
Maya Shaham MSc. Interaction of retinoids and vitamin D – in vitro studies  
Inbar Wittenberg MSc. Fat mass and leptin levels in growth hormone treated children 50
Riki Ben Dov MSc. Local treatment of colitis with retinoic acid in a rat model  
Yaffa Shiff MSc. Effect of PUFA on birth outcome in a rat model of IUGR  
Hila Sebag MSc. NFkB reporter cell as a model for inflammation  
Yahav Bleicher, MSc. Enrichment of sage seeds with PUFA  
Eli Zinal MSc. chickpea a novel source of non dairy milk  
Adi Ghebert MSc. acids and retinoids effect on cell membranes  
Hadas Regev MSc. Nutritional intervention programmes in the Ethiopian community in Rehovot 95
Michal Alumut MSc. new method for monitoring weight change in children using intima thickness measurements  
Anna Teverovsky MSc. ALA in IBD