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Head of Institute: Prof. Ido Braslavsky

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Taste GPCRs and their ligands


Dubovski, N. ; Fierro, F. ; Margulis, E. ; Ben Shoshan-Galeczki, Y. ; Peri, L. ; Niv, M. Y. . Taste Gpcrs And Their Ligands. In Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science; Academic Press, 2022.


Taste GPCRs are expressed in taste buds on the tongue and play a key role in food choice and consumption. They are also expressed extra-orally, with various physiological roles that are currently under study. Unraveling the roles of these receptors relies on the knowledge of their ligands. Combining sensory, cell-based and computational approaches enabled the discovery of numerous agonists and several antagonists. Here we provide a short overview of taste receptor families, main recent methods for ligands discovery, and current sources of information about known ligands. The future directions that are likely to impact the taste GPCR field include focus on ligand interactions with naturally occurring polymorphisms, as well as harnessing the power of CryoEM and of multiple signaling readout techniques.
